What is Advanced Fillings?

A missing tooth structure due to decay, trauma or worn out can cause your teeth to become hollow and make the normal activities like chewing and biting, difficult. With the advanced dental fillings, you can get these defects repaired with the help of latest tools and softwares which deliver long lasting life-like fillings.

When is It Required?

For dental fillings to be required, the symptoms are quite difficult to identify for the patient and hence, we have observed that the decay, cavity or the hollow increases to quite an extent before the patient finally comes for diagnosis. However, here are a few symptoms which might help you know that a dental filling is required –

  • A hole in the tooth which can be easily seen or felt.
  • Dark brown/black spots or blue hues on the teeth.
  • Visibly chipped or broken tooth.
  • Prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold food.
  • Regular issue of food being stuck in the teeth.

If you have been facing any of the above mentioned issues, there is a good chance that you are need a dental filling treatment which will help you fix the dental issues. The final decision and course of treatment will of course require a thorough examination by our dental specialists.

Why Advanced Fillings at DentCraft?

At Dentcraft dental clinic, we are not there to make money and give you some expensive treatment bills to bear with – we are there with a promise to put the perfect smile on your face while making it an impeccably warm experience for you. Our advanced filling specialists are well trained and experienced- and they use the best available Ceramics, Nano-composites, 3D-intra-oral scanners and laser assisted cavity disinfection to deliver the best possible dental filling.

Not only do we fix up your teeth with the most advanced fillings, but also make sure that you receive the perfect pre-procedure and post filling care required to ensure that the fillings serve their purpose and stop the decaying activity for good.

Don’t just believe what we say – here is a look at what some of our patients have to say about us and how we successfully helped them with their teeth issues with our advanced filling treatment procedure.

Picture Gallery Advanced Fillings